Mail Ant-spam Services


Reasons to choose Tech360SA’s Spam Solution: 

1. Enterprise Email Security

Block 99.98% of all spam and rely on an industry leading false-positive ratio of less than one

in 1 a million. You are protected from spam, viruses, and being blacklisted. Email archiving

(optional Extra) helps you backing up emails and achieving compliance.

2. Redundant = Safe

100% uptime and servers located in 2 different data centres in the Hosted Cloud speak for itself. You

add additional redundancy to your network and have guaranteed email continuity.

3. Happy Cost Savings!

With Tech360SAs' email security systems in place, your employees will be more productive, safer,

happier and ultimately waste less time on email threats. You furthermore save significant infrastructure


4. SaaS

Tech360SAs offers you email filtering and archiving services via Software as a Service (SaaS). The

systems are 24x7 monitored, fully managed and maintained.

5. Full Control

The Tech360SAs Hosted Cloud comes with a

multi-tier control panel. Users and admins can access

quarantine, manage black/whitelists, search logs and fully configure the spam filter according to your

organization's needs. You remain 100% in control over your email. Nothing ever gets lost!


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